Are You Ready to Get Fired?


As a Co Founder of Laguna Niguel Connectors and a person that has spoken to numerous transition groups throughout Southern California I am ecstatic that the employment outlook is getting better.

As a native in the New Normal I know that you have to be prepared for all scenarios in a rapidly changing world where a hick up like gas prices can put the brakes on hiring momentum when in the old normal they wouldn’t be linked. The New Normal is a world of sound bite news that lemmings follow.

Are you ready for the next chapter of your life or is  somebody else going write it for you?  The Chapter you don’t see coming.

Most people aren’t.  They react versus anticipate because that is the pattern they know.  You didn’t have to be so prepared for quick jobs changes in the past but that’s not the new world.

I have 27 year old friends who grew up in the New Normal and are very educated, competent and have had 3 jobs already because clients and budgets change.

So what if you got fired tomorrow.  Would you be ready?

What if you were called into an unscheduled meeting and your boss and a person from HR was there to deliver the news.  Would you be ready or would you panic?

Would you be ready to hit the mean streets of transition?

Will you be ready for the first Monday of not working with no place to go, no reason to rush to get dressed in the morning,  no company computer, no company cell phone, no company meetings, no Monday busyness?  No calls to your partner saying you will be home late that night.

Will you already have your own personal business cards?  Will you be ready to put your personal website in your new email salutation on the first day?

Will your Linkedin profile be stellar and a magnet for every recruiter to find?

Will you spend your first week talking to people about what happened or be too busy marketing yourself.

Will you spend your first nights thinking about what happened or why there isn’t enough time to take you to where you want to go?

If you are smart you will be.

In a world of disposable jobs the only certainty and continuity is the life you live with yourself and the people that are important to you.

The other never ending variable is the need to provide for your family.  Will they be Cobbler’s Children or fellow shoemakers?

Just like Superman, today you need to be ready to change your costume from corporate apparel to personal apparel at the drop of a tweet.

Connect with Hank on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook:


Watch: How to Create a Job.

6 thoughts on “Are You Ready to Get Fired?

  1. Edward M. Bury, APR

    Hello Hank: Great post, and one I can relate to. My position was eliminated a few weeks ago. After regrouping and spending a week in Colorado (a vacation Susan and I had planned), I’m back in the race. Have landed a few writing assignments, have had two phone interviews for good positions and have two interviews next week. I’ve reached out to almost all of the people in my network seeking leads and asking for opportunities. I wholeheartedly support the concept of always building and refining my network. And, by the way, if you know of anyone seeking a senior PR professional in Chicago, please share my contact info.

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