How to Build a Powerful Network



Networking Speaker suggests simple but effective tips on how to be a better networker in tough economic times

Laguna Niguel, CA, December 29th- Networking Speaker, Hank Blank, is well recognized as an expert on building successful careers and business through the power of Networking. Hank Blank has spoken to countless companies, organizations and colleges throughout the country.

Networking is a very powerful and affordable way for an individual to market themselves. Seventy five percent of all jobs are found through networking and 75% of all business deals come from networking yet most people have no clue on how to network.

Hank feels that most people have no clue on how to network. “Most people think that going to a networking event and hanging around the bar with a buddy and talking to people they know is networking and it has got nothing to do with networking. It’s socializing. Networking is engaging and talking to strangers to expand your field of contacts,” said Blank.

The other common pitfalls of networking are showing up without your business cards or keeping one or two in your wallet or pursue instead of your hand. Also not knowing your elevator speech or showing up five minutes before the event or sitting with your friends. All of these diminish your networking effectiveness.

The other pitfall of networking is being Mr Martini Man or Ms Martini Man. That’s the person who is overly aggressive and immediately asking for the order. “They say things like I would love to work with you,” says Blank. “Why would I want to work with strangers?”

“Effective networking is about less of you and more about helping the other people that you meet first. A lot of people think that is counter intuitive or contradictory. My philosophy in my presentation is how to get more by asking for less and doing more for others,” said Blank.

Effective networking isn’t about going to an event as much as a way of life. “People think California is an impersonal place yet I live a Norman Rockwell life because I try to be engaged with people all the time. If you want to be really good at something you have to practice it all the time. You can be another invisible person checking your crackberry at Starbucks or try to connect with the people around you and have a much richer and more connected life,” said Blank.

About Hank Blank and Blank and Associates

Blank and Associates provides a variety of Marketing Services for clients. Hank Blank is a well known networker in Southern California and has spoken to numerous companies and organizations on networking. To have Hank Blank speak to your company or organization on the power of networking or to buy his networking CD at a ridiculously low price of $37 e mail or visit

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